Costume Props Check


Please stop at the Costume Props & Weapons Check area in the main lobby (after admissions) to ensure your items have been properly checked.

Costume Props & Weapons Check

Cosplay is an important part of the vibrant tapestry that is nerd-culture and we want to do our part to support and nurture cosplay culture while maintaining standards of safety. This is why we ask that you pre-register your costume props and weapons before the show begins.


If you are planning to cosplay at Pop Con YXE, we ask that you familiarize yourself with our Props & Costumes policies. If in doubt, contact us with questions or concerns. 


Your Pop Culture Outfit Deserves the Right Gear!

  • All costume props and weapons need to be verified by our team, even if it is just for display purposes or to have autographed.


  • Once at the show, please check in at the Props & Weapons Check areas so that our team can verify and hold your prop while you enjoy the show.

  • We ask all those purchasing weapon type items from vendors/exhibitors fill out a Prop/Weapons Check form upon purchase of the item. You will then be able to retrieve your purchase on your way out of the building, after enjoying the show.

Online Costume Props Pre-Registration Not Yet Available